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Bilingual Glossary

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抑菌素 Ablastin
無芽的,無胚的 Ablastous
切除,摘除,脫離 Ablation
切割用具 Ablator
尖嘴扁頜鶴鱵 Ablennes anastomella (Cuvier & Valencinnes)
扁頜鶴鱵、學魚 Ablennes hians (Cuvier & Valenciennes)
開花 Abloom
異常受精 Abnormal fertilization
異常生長 Abnormal growth
反常有絲分裂 Abnormal mitosis
畸形 Abnormality
畸形病 Abnormality disease
皺胃 Abomasum
腹澎脹 Abonominal distention
單性卵苞子 Aboospore
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