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Bilingual Glossary

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豐年蝦卵 Brine shrimp egg
鹽浸作用 Brining
鹽水的,鹹的 Brinish
鬃,剛毛 Bristle
脆的,易碎的 Brittle
花椰菜(青) Broccoli
碎米 Broken rice
碎米篩選機 Broken-rice Seperator
食物中毒 Bromatoxism
懷卵量 Brood amount
布魯克林蟲症 Brooklynellosis
多鬚鼬魚 Brotula multibarbata Timminck & Schlegel
褐深海鼬魚 Brotulina fusca Fowler
鮸魚 Brown croaker Mi-iuy croaker
紅魚粉 Brown fish meal
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